The humiliation which is the salvation of God

Man gets naked in humiliation and God dresses man with the favorite colors of God, but God as son beloved dresses man from the inside and those colors reflect toward the outside the glory of God, that way also hiding the nakedness which is man.

When a man humbles through shame, God dresses man of skin; because every man that becomes ashamed becomes ashamed in the skin.  But the man that truly humbles to God because that man knows the will of God, God truly will dress that man with the color of the son beloved of God.

But to see nakedness or to see that the skin as naked is because of lack of knowledge and because of lack of knowledge thus there is shame because shame is because of lack, because of lack of true knowledge because true knowledge gives form or reform and the skin is no longer seeing naked or no one is shamed even though the skin is naked.

Now then, the only humiliation that God desires from man is the humiliation for much more or the humiliation for the salvation of God because God truly was for much more for God truly humbling to the creation of God and because of the humbling of God to the creation of God thus God was truly for much more than God for God becoming as Creator.

Now, with every search of man for God, God will dress that man with the favorite color of God so that man does not feel naked, empty or ashamed.  In the first encounter with God, God will dress man firstly with peace and secondly with knowledge, perhaps with a grandiose promise or with an emotional relief and even with a physical relief.  Thirdly also God will dress that very fortunate man with gladness and with joy and fourthly also God will dress that man with the very grandiose feeling of abundance.

Now then, that very fortunate man now truly is dressed with the grandiose colors of beloved of God or now that very fortunate man truly is in the state of beloved or in the skin of beloved and according to how that man does in those grandiose colors of beloved of God or in that state or in that skin of beloved of God, thus that man beloved of God will be again rewarded or will be dressed for the fifth time with the color of the salvation of God and that man now truly will be savior of God and will be in the skin or in life.

The very curious or the very interesting thing about this grandiose dressing of God toward that man beloved of God is that just as God was dressing that man, thus God also was dressing with those very colors!  That is the reason that man with his grandiose encounter with God felt what he felt because God also felt it.  In other words, God practically undressed to dress that man with the favorite colors of God as Creator.

And if God truly did all of the above for the salvation of that man, what man will not do the same for the salvation of God?

Interestingly, God never humbled for less but for much more because every time that the man was dressed with the color of God thus God was also a better being.   For example, when God dressed man as beloved of God thus God also was dressed of beloved and when that man does for the salvation of God and God grants the salvation of God not only God will dress that man beloved of God with the color of savior but also God will dress with that color of savior.

In other words, every time that man is reborn from man to beloved of God thus God also is truly reborn from God to Creator or as beloved of that man.  And when that man beloved of God again is reborn as savior beloved of God thus God also is reborn as savior and the earth for that man as savior of God will be as in the heavens and for God as savior beloved the heavens truly will be as some other heavens and that man as savior beloved of God and God as savior beloved will be as one and as one will be united to the skin or to the living body of that man.

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