Life and knowledge

One gives life or one gives rebirth to knowledge acknowledging that knowledge. One gives life or one truly revives a thought recognizing the thought or making the thought as a new thought. One give life or one gives rebirth to a first born recognizing him or granting him knowledge in life as beloved because from beloved truly will come or will arrive the salvation of not only the son beloved but also will come or will arrive the salvation of the father.

Now then, death to the first born is to truly give death to knowledge or to a belief or to a doubt or to a lack and the knowledge or the belief or the doubt or the lack was not to know how to humble for beloved. And because of not humbling for beloved thus died even though beloved and was forgotten even though beloved because death is not only to forget oneself but also death is to forget God for all the times because with death there no longer is knowledge or life.

Thus in truth, one only forgets or one knows what one already knows or what one already knew as one only do not remember what already is remembered as one only recognize what one already knows. That is, from life truly comes out more life as from birth comes out rebirth and from knowledge comes out acknowledgement and from acknowledgement truly comes out life revived.

Therefore, one has to give knowledge to the known and life also because if not the known and the lived will give death to one for not acknowledging and for not reviving the known…

The printed word

It is way much too easier to tell your story and lie a bit more when the story can be printed, because what is printed can be believed as truth no matter the lie.  Even if the only words found was the word lie written many times over, those words would be truth simply because they are printed!

Furthermore, the greater part of believe is the lie after eve or life.  Thus no life no believe and if no believe thus no lie.  But the lie believed is caused by the seen eye because through the eyes things are seeing and then things known and once things are known, things are believed.  It is a bit different through the ears because one does not respond unless one knows who is calling or where the sound is coming from but once one sees who is calling or from where the noise is coming from then it is easy to believe and even get lied to.

But if one is told that the sun has come into the very night, he will deny it even though he has not opened his eyes to look and see.  So, one is lied to because one knows the liar even though one knows not that he is lying.  Also, he that is very trusting is he that can easily be lied to.

Now then, in existence words are not printed as they are printed on a page.  In existence words are represented by symbols and numbers even though one cannot really see the symbols and the numbers.  In existence words are also represented by different colors and different temperatures.

Interestingly, that that is the very pattern that all species, matter and even snowflakes follow, the pattern of numbers or colors!  But those patterns are to catch the eye with and with the eye give those patterns form and once that form is seen or that form is known thus acknowledge it is as reality as one also is reality.  And once those patterns are acknowledged as reality, they can be also acknowledged or recognized through the sound that they make.  But they can only be acknowledged or recognized by those that saw and knew.  No one can ever acknowledge or can ever recognize something not seen or not known.  Even if he hears some noise or some calling out from it, he will not respond until he first sees it!

Now, existence or even God has communicated with the living being through natural symbols and once the living beings has recognized or acknowledged these natural symbols and use them to communicate back with existence or even with God.  But that communication is with the spoken word if the living being has given the natural symbol a name or a sound.  But too often, however, there is a misunderstanding with how the living being understands his very own language, a language which he uses which was developed through the very natural symbols of existence.

Interestingly, when God communicates with man God uses the language of man.  If man has no spoken language, then God uses vision but that vision is according to what man already knows and here is where man gets confused with what he already knows.  When man is given an instruction from God or even promised something, the language used is according to the very language man uses or the language which his parents were born in.  And that instruction from God is in the form of a double meaning and that instruction is really more like a three dimensional word!  For, for example, “you will lack nothing,” are simple words understood even by a child.  But the meaning behind those words is really a meaning very difficult to understand.

And that is the very reason for one misunderstanding the very word, the very word which one gave meaning too!  Another word which can be very confusing is the word sacrifice because the word sacrifice can mean different things to different people but God will only use the meaning that you have given to that word, such as humble or grant.  And when God said sacrifices to me a goat, the truth is that it is not the goat but the meaning or the symbol behind the goat, the very meaning or the very symbol that one has given to that poor goat!  And when God says that the blood is His and that the blood is not to be eating with the meat and that the blood must be drained and dumped on the ground, God is really saying not to be more joyful through eating than to be more joyful than with God.  Because the truth is that God is true joy and if one seeks joy beyond God then one will never know God and the joy of God and through the joy of God one is truly reborn or saved as savior of God.

Thus, know the true meaning of the words that you already know because in the very day that you seek God, God will really communicate through those very words!  When God asked one to sacrifice Me your laughter, God never requested another’s life!  God was requesting one’s gladness and joy or one’s laughter for God’s gladness and joy or for God’s laugher because through gladness and the joy of God in one thus one is reborn as son and through rebirth as son is the grandiose promised of God.

Man and life

Man sins or deviates from the road to rebirth because man lets himself be carried or deceived by life.  Life is a road or a guide to truly help man to add to the creation of God his rebirth in life for life, but only and when man says and not when life says.

To sin simply was because of lack of knowledge or for because of not understanding the knowledge given to one and because of not understanding that knowledge thus that knowledge is not transformed in the grandiose form of life which truly belonged to one and because of one not transforming thus one dies because everyone that sins to die is what he gets or what is left.  That is, to die was the cause of not transforming into a new form by the knowledge given or granted to one.

When one comes to have true faith, one now has one of two possibilities when before without faith there was only one possibility and that only possibility was to simply die and because of dying thus truly lose every possibility to any other possibility.

But he that comes to have true faith still has the possibility of dying and of losing life, but also he has the very grandiose possibility or opportunity of remaining with life and continue with life without having to die because he that came to have true faith, he truly have it because of an encounter with God and God promised him a grandiose promise, that if through her he does as once he also did for true faith, for the labor of her for her will he be rewarded and will truly be rewarded as savior beloved of God!

Now then, God was not very specific with his grandiose promise but the grandiose promise has to do everything with God and with knowledge of God and also with the peace of God or with the rest of God.

Now, just as the knowledge of God made God or transformed God or revived God to Creator and later God rested as Creator and truly becoming as a new God for God becoming for Creator and taking the grandiose form of Creator, thus through the knowledge or through the promise one also has to do to receive new knowledge to be able to be transformed or be formed into the form that can truly receive or accept the grandiose promise, which truly is God Himself as much more than Creator!

And that form or reform which one will truly have is the grandiose form of savior of God as God also will be Savior of one.  With that knowledge of one as savior of God and God as Savior of one, will come peace or rest so that both can take the very form of the grandiose promise of God.

Thus, life is more than just be born and then to only die!  Life is to be born and in her do to not die but to revive or to be reborn, but to revive or to be reborn has everything to do with life and with life alive and with God as much more then God and one as much more than one.

Love and obligation

It is said that there truly is life or that there is true living in humiliation or in obligation, but humiliation or obligation truly creates chaos, separation or sin!  That is the reason for the servant beloved, because the servant beloved will do without humiliation or without obligation and that which is truly done without humiliation or without obligation is done for the true love of the Master, true love that the Master allowed the servant to truly feel, thus making or converting or transforming not only that servant to servant beloved of the Master but also making or also converting or also transforming the Master beloved of the servant.

And through the true love that the servant, now servant beloved of the Master, truly felt from the Master toward him, the servant beloved truly will do without humiliation or without obligation because the servant beloved also has come to love the Master!  And as beloved of the Master the servant cannot wait for the Master to simply love him because the Master loved the servant for something the servant did without humiliation or without obligation toward the Master which pleased the Master very much, so much it pleased the Master that the Master allowed the servant to draw near and also be illuminated and took him also as His servant beloved!

And what the servant truly does in that state of beloved not only will bring to the servant beloved the salvation of the Master but also will bring the salvation to the Master because the Master will come out from His state of beloved and the Master will be much more than Master beloved as also the servant beloved will be much more than servant beloved of the Master beloved.

And after both beloveds come out from that state of beloved, both beloveds will not be obligated one to the other because they will be freed from the charge of servant and of Master for having a greater charge but in that greater charge neither will one be obligated to the other but will be united without humiliation or without obligation through the true love that they feel, a true love that so much feels one as the other for being the very same love!

Because in truth, in that new state, a state without humiliation or a state without obligation, a state without charge, a state in where now the servant is one with the Master and the love which is felt is one because is true love and there will not be love of servant nor of Master nor there will be love of son nor of father because it will only be one love for being true love.

Only through acknowledgement

Only in life and only through acknowledgement given from above can one enter alive into the kingdom of the holy heavens.  It cannot be entered into what is not recognized, not understood or not known and much less without permission as without authority.

But no acknowledgement as understanding will be given without first the giving of knowledge by the one who gives knowledge as acknowledgement from above.

And when in life acknowledgement as understanding is given, thus the understanding or the recognition is the very permission as the authority in life to enter in life into the kingdom of the holy heavens and thus continue in life alive here on the very earth as in the very heavens but in complete or in perfect abundance.

Something wrong in the way one believes!

There is nothing wrong with believing, but there is something wrong in the way one believes.  To say there is life after the grave is to deny that life was, that life is and that life will always be before the grave, and that the grave came after life simply because life denied itself.

Death or the grave came after the simple denial as hate of life or the simple rejection of life alive.  Death or the grave is not a second chance for the already dead or the already in the grave, but that second chance is for those who still remain alive!

Death is no reward.  Death was never a reward.  And death will never be a reward.  Death is capital punishment for denying life alive, for life is of God and God is alive and lives among the living.  And denying God after knowing God is but eternal death!

No dead man can learn or can recognize as understand and thus is not able to choose to change his mind as his heart and thus cannot take a second chance to life.

Death is, therefore, the result of not taking that second chance, that second chance to live life alive and not seeking God to find God alive and then to humble oneself to God alive as God alive has done to life alive, for only God alive can give life to those alive so that they as God alive can continue in life alive in abundance and in illumination!

The purpose of life alive

The very simple and single purpose of life alive!  Dust as Dirt was among the animals.  In fact, Dust as Dirt was still part animal, perhaps mixed with some vegetables and even some fruits and nuts.  The purpose of life was to separate the animal from man.  Life was now the human mind.  Life was consciousness, but life used conscious through man to sin or to change or to even break the unwritten law, although heard from above.

By sin, it is meant to give wrong information or to pretend to know or imitate when not.  In other words, the human conscious mind was used for bodily or for animal pleasures and not for spiritual pleasures; and therefore, separating the man from creation or from the spiritual, which is adoption.  That is, separating the conscious mind, which was life, from the brain, which is really creation or adoption through understanding.

Thus, the purpose of life alive is to know creation and once creation is known, creation has been adopted and thus making creation now a new creation.

What life requires

What it requires to be.  No one ever told you, you as a child, that you were there, so now you believed yourself.  No one ever gave you a hug as a child, so when you opened your little arms to hug or be hugged, all that everyone else could see was emptiness or a very painful or a shameful void where you were standing.  And that very painful emptiness or that shameful void swallowed you even more and made you feel even more and more meaningless.

So you crawl and grow-up looking for something to fill those holes, something to alleviate the train of pain; but you grow older and older, not really knowing what you are looking for.

Then one day, you were traveling on foot and leaping from your left leg.  You looked down the road and you noticed something.  You noticed that the straight, hot, and narrow asphalt road had paused to a curve, almost circle like, and you couldn’t see the rest of the road ahead of you; but you knew that as soon as you took the curve, the road would straighten again and you would see the rest, the rest of the road.  Somehow you knew the road was there, even though you couldn’t see it because of the curve; and then something else hits you:  You never saw it because you didn’t believe in it!  You never saw yourself to begin with, so no one else saw you and that is what you just realized!

Life alive arrived a little late in your life, but at lease and at last, you get to sense something of life alive.  You realized that life alive is not all but pain or poverty or rejection or bad luck or misery.  Life can be good!  All that life requires is a bit of love, love is all that life requires!