The answer is as good as the question

The question is only as good as the point of view and as good as the true anticipation of the answer.  Q = the reality at hand plus point of view minus the irrational or the reality unseen.

Or simply put, Q = plus zero minus, where plus equals reality; zero equals point of view; and minus equals the reality not seen.

Thus, the greater the irrational in one or the greater the exaggeration or the greater the lack of knowledge of unseen reality, thus the less the point of view, and therefore, the less the reality!

Interestingly, even though knowledge be lacking, getting interested or excited about the answer really improves point of view and may actually lead to a truth or a real answer and therefore to a greater reality!

The plus minus factor

Existence, the universe or physical creation is composed or really made up of three main parts.  The three main parts are reality, neutral reality or point of view and the reality not seen but can be negative or irrational.  Or simply put, existence is t0-.

In other words, existence as reality is plus zero minus.  The greater the plus, the greater the point of view and the greater the point of view, the lesser the negative or less the irrational!

The greater the negative or the more irrational, the less the point of view and thus the less the reality or the less of actual physical creation is thus seen and thus the less of physical creation is understood.  And if physical creation is not understood, then there is no way to understand or even to see the reality not seen, such as God.

Thus, to the end of times, one’s very point of view or faith of God thus determines the true knowledge or the true reality of God.  And the greater the point of view or the faith of God, thus the greater the knowledge or the reality of God!